Spanish Language Transfer Tribute
No frills Spanish Learning!

Lesson 18: The we form for 'er' and 'ir' verbs

Here we'll cover how to say 'we' with verbs that end 'er' or 'ir'

Creating the we form for all verb types

As we have covered earlier there are three types of verbs in Spanish - verbs ending 'ar', 'er' or 'ir'.

To get the 'we' form:

One thing to note here is that throughout the whole Spanish language 'er' and 'ir' verbs are treated the same ... except in this one area - the we form in the present tense.

Apart from here you can be certain that what applied to an 'er' verb applies to a 'ir' verb as well and vice versa.

Preferir - to prefer

Preferir to prefer
Prefiero I prefer
Prefiere he/she/it/you (formal) prefer(s)
Prefieren They prefer
Preferimos We prefer

So as you can see we have the same action as with 'ar' verbs, the 'e' split because we put pressure on it but in the 'we' form we don't put pressure so it doesn't split.

Knowing the 'we form' is also a great way to find the 'to form'. Because no letters split we know that if we take off the 'imos' and add 'ir' we have the 'to form'.

Venir To come
Venimos We come / we are coming

Vivir - to live

This is probably a verb you will have heard of! Its often heard in films - 'Viva la revolución' ("Long live the revolution lives"), Or 'Viva Las Vegas' ("Long live Las Vegas").

Vivir To live
Vivo I live
Vivo aquí I live here
No vivo aquí I don't live here
No vivo aquí pero él vive aquí I don't live here but he lives here
¿Dónde viven? Where do they live?
Quiero saber dónde viven I want to know where they live
Vivimos We live

Recapping entender - to understand

We covered this in a previous lesson but no harm in some practice while we introduce the 'we form'!

Entender To understand
Entiendo I understand
Entiende He understands
No entiende He doesn't understand
¿Por qué no entiende? Why doesn't he understand
Quiero saber por qué no entiende I want to know why he doesn't understand
Entendemos We understand

Recapping Perdermos - to lose

We also covered this in a previous lesson but lets see it again with the we form as well.

Perder to lose
Pierdo I lose
Perdemos we lose
Siempre perdemos we always lose
Lesson 19: Working backwards to find verbs and genders