Spanish Language Transfer Tribute
No frills Spanish Learning!

Lesson 58: Past Tense: The dot in the past with 'ar' verbs

So we've covered talking about periods of time in the past - 'I used to go' - now we're going to look at how we talk about a specific moment in the past - 'I spoke'

To get familiar with this type of past we'll use 'hablar' to represent 'ar' verbs and 'comer' to represent 'er'/'ir' verbs. If you remember these two then they will become your perfect hooks for remembering how to change all verbs.

'ar' verbs - Hablar

Hablé I spoke
Habló He/she/it/you (informal) spoke

Now this can look a little confusing - 'Hablo' means "I speak" while 'Habló' means "he/she/it spoke". The difference is subtle with that aceent on the last 'o' in the past tense form.

No hablé I didn't speak
No habló He/she/you (formal) didn't speak
Habló conmigo He/she/you (formal) spoke with me
Lo compré I bought it
No lo compré I didn't buy it
Lo compró He bought it
Me lo compró He bought it for me
Lo compró para mi He bought it for me

These last two different versions of saying "He bought it for me" are the same but we use the 'para mi' version when we want to emphasis that it was "for me".

Enviar - to send

You can remember 'Enviar' with the hooks of "Envelope" because that is something you send things in - or "Envoy", someone who is sent to deliver a message.

Lo envié I eent it
Te lo envié I sent it to you
No te lo envié I didn't sent it to you
No te lo envié todavía I didn't sent it to you yet
Lo envió ayer He sent it yesterday
Se envió It was sent (it sent itself)
Se envió ayer It was sent yesterday

So let's try a longer sentence - "I don't know why he didn't speak with me" - by breaking it down:

No se por que no habló conmigo I don't know why he didn't speak with me

'Olvidar' - "to forget"

At first this one looks so difficult that it will be tricky to remember but listen to a few Spanish songs and you will hear it pop up over and over again - espcially on love songs.

For example its in the chorus of Échame la culpa - "Blame me" or more literally "Give me the blame" - where you can hear 'Es mejor olvirdar' - "Its better to forget"

Incidentally on the same line is 'Dejarlo así'. We've already seen 'así' means "like that". 'Dejarlo así' means "leave it like that" which is a pretty useful phrase to have.

Olvidé I forgot
Olvidó He forgot

So let's try - "I was going to do it but I forgot it"

Lo iba hacer pero lo olvidé It I was going to do but I forgot it
Lesson 59: Past Tense: The dot in the past with 'er' and 'ir' verbs