Spanish Language Transfer Tribute
No frills Spanish Learning!

Lesson 60: Past Tense: The dot in the past with the 'We' form of verbs

So we've covered how to say the I/she/he/it/you (formal) versions of verbs when talking about a point (dot) in the past, Now we'll learn the 'we' form - 'We spoke', 'we ate', etc.

Remember we still are talking about that 'dot' in the past - how the past tense looks when we refer to a specific moment in the past (e.g. "I rode my bicycle yesterday") rather than making a general statement about something which happened over a period of time - e.g. "I used to ride my bicycle in the countryside".

'ar' verbs

Now the we form is slightly wierd for 'ar verbs!

Hablamos We speak
Hablamos We spoke

Yes - they are exactly the same! No typo there. This can cause confusion even amoung native Spanish speakers so naturally they use several tools to repair this very natural flaw.

Cuando hablamos comprendo todo When we speak I understand everything
Cuando hablamos comprendí todo When we spoke I understood everything
Hablamos ayer We spoke yesterday
Hablamos mañana We will speak tomorrow

So we see here that even to get the future tense we can use 'hablamos' as long as we put some future context in the sentence like "tomorrow".

Esperamos mucho We wait a lot
Esperamos mucho ayer We waited a lot yesterday

'er' verbs

'er' verbs do change slightly for the past tense

Comemos We eat
Comimos We ate
No comimos We didn't eat
Vemos We see
Vimos We saw
Perdemos We lose
Perdimos We lost
Nos perdimos We got lost
Nos perdemos siempre pero no nos perdimos ayer We always get lost but we didn't get lost yesterday

'ir' verbs

... but 'ir' verbs are like 'ar' verbs, on their own you can't tell them apart.

Vivimos We live
Vivimos We lived
Salimos We're going out / leaving
Salimos We went out / left
No salimos a menudo pero salimos ayer We don't go out often but we went out yesterday

Recap of the verb forms for a dot in the past

Using 'hablar':

Hablé I spoke
Habló He/she/it/you (formal) spoke
Hablamos We spoke

Using 'comer':

Comí I ate
Comió He/she/it/you (formal) ate
Comimos We ate
Lesson 61: Past Tense: When the line and the dot meet