Introducing how to say 'I try' and how to pronounce 'h' and 'v' in Spanish ... as well as a bunch of new words which you knew all along or you can find via the Thinking Method
We're already very familiar with Quiero (I want) so time for a second one - Intento (I try).
Spanish | English |
Intento | I try / I am trying |
This is a pretty easy one to remember if you think about "I intend to". In English although that is more often taken as "I will" it does have "try" overtones. There is a subtle difference between "I will ask him" and "I intend to ask him".
So we can use intento in sentences the same way as quiero ...
Spanish | English |
Intento publicarlo | I'm trying to publish it |
Remember how you get publicar:
So we can do the same thinking for other sentences where we don't yet know the verb.
Spanish | English |
Intento administrarlo | I'm trying to administer it |
Spanish | English |
Intento imitarlo | I'm trying to imitate it |
'h' exists in the Spanish written language but it is completely ignored when spoken.
Spanish | English |
Hospital | Hospital |
Horrible | Horrible |
Habitual | Habitual |
Habitualmente | Habitually |
The Spanish for "Now" is Ahora and you can remember it by knowing two more Spanish words:
So Ahora is literrally "to the hour" .. but remember the 'h' is absolutely silent in the spoken word!
Spanish | English |
Ahora | Now |
So let's try and take on a big sentence - "I want to cancel it but I don't want to cancel it now" - by breaking it down:
By breaking down long sentences into their parts and just concentrating on each part one at a time even impossible looking texts suddenly become manageable.
Spanish | English |
Voy | I go / I am going |
Notice how the 'v' is actually pronounced like a soft 'b'. This is true a lot of the time in Spanish.
Pronounciation - Don't get too hung up on this. I continued to say 'v' for a long time when I was learning Spanish to remind myself of how the word was spelt. As long as you keep it as a soft 'v', almost an 'f', you will be fully understood. Later as you become more confident in the language you can start moving your 'v' to 'b'
Remembering - think of 'voy' as in 'voyage'. In a voyage you are going somewhere and 'voy' is 'I go'.
Spanish | English |
Voy ahora | I am going now |
No voy ahora | I'm not going now |
Quiero visitarlo | I want to visit him |
Quiero visitarlo | I want to visit it |
Visible | Visible |
Viral | Viral |
Virus | Virus |
Conveniente | Convenient |
As you can hear the 'v' to 'b' really is subtle so don't stress out about it if you want to stick with a soft 'v' to begin with.
Lesson Seven: Voy a and verbs of movement