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Lesson 22: This and That

When it comes to identifying things it's essential to be able to say 'this' and 'that'.

"Witam! Witam! Dzień dobry albo dobry wieczór. No to dobrze ... Jak mówisz 'this' i 'that' po polsku?"


"This" is affected by the gender of the noun just like adjectives are. Let's have a look at how while picking up 3 new words.

This document
This sofa
This office

So the feminine ("sofa") and neuter ("buiro") match - in feminine both "this" and the verb end in 'a', in neuter both "this" and the verb end in 'o'. That just leaves masculine as the odd one out with "Ten".

Now I know what you're thinking, "Hold up, 'to' was supposed to mean 'it' and we've been using it everywhere to say 'it'.

But you are already wise to the idea that many smaller words (like "Czy" and "Jak") change their meanings depending on where they are used. "To" is another! It can be a bit tricky in some ways but in others it saves learning another word!!!

So "To biuro" can mean:

If the context of the conversation doesn't make it clear which one of the two it is you can always add 'jest' - "To jest biuro".

So let's try a few:

You think that this sofa is bad? Why?
I think that this shampoo is old and I want new a shampoo
This situation is not ideal

Now "this" also gets affected by the case it is in. Above we see the three forms in the "Co to jest? Co nie to jest?" case. That's how we would find them in the dictionary. If we move to the "Masz/lubisz/mówisz" case ... in other words we are after the verb, ... then "this" changes in almost the same way as any other adjectives. In other words:

I know (about) this document and I know (that) it's good
I have this sofa and I think (that) it's good
I'm buying this office because it's good

So let's try thinking these out.

I want this document now
We're buying this sofa because I think (that) it's good

Now let's move to the "Nie masz/lubisz/mówisz" case ("Something is missing"). Take your time, focus only on the part of the sentence you need to say right now. Say it, the focus only on the next bit of the sentence.

I want to go to this zone
I don't know (about) this document but I think (that) it's good
I don't have this sofa but I know (that) it's good

Take a moment to look at those last three sentences and see how the gender of the nouns ("dokument", "sofa", "biuro") flows through the whole sentence affecting how you say 'this' and how you say 'good'.

You've also probably spotted the 'ego' and 'ej' endings are the same as those used on "dobrego" and "dobrej" in previous classes.

You can use adjectives (like "duży", "biały", etc.) here as normal. It does begin to sound quite funny in masculine and neuter...

I don't like this big, cold office

So let's give this case a go:

I don't have this shampoo
You don't want this sofa?
She doesn't like this wine
I don't want to go to this museum
Why don't you want to go to this museum?


Well if you were waiting for some good news ... "Jest tutaj". "This" = "That". Whether "Ten/Ta/To" is taken to mean "This" or "That" will depend on the context.

So "To białe" can actually mean:

And "To buiro" can actually mean:

It will all depend on context but we're not going to get away with things being too easy! There is a second word that some courses will tell you means "that" - "Tamten/Tamta/Tamto" - but it isn't strictly true. Here's where "Tamten/Tamta/Tamto" might come out:

So "Tamten/Tamta/Tamto" is sort of "that one" when "that one" is the "other one"! When the first object has been identified and we're trying to identify the second one. But you will hear this:

What am I doing? This and that!

Note we're using neuter here - "To" and "Tamto" - because we don't know what I'm talking about. Just like our "jajko" we don't know if it's feminine or masculine.

OK - let's run through all three cases to see what we've remembered.

This office is big
I want to have this office on Friday
Why do you want to have this office on Friday?
Why do you want to have this office on Friday?
Lesson 23: PAST TENSE - Had, Wanted