Polish - 'kto' versus 'kogo'

I found most explanations on when to use 'kto' and when to use 'kogo' don't seem to make much sense when you actually see these two words in practice

Now if you are at the absolute basic level you use "kto" to mean "who" in the nominative (basic statement) case and "kogo" to mean "who" in the genitive (after the verb) case. If you don't know your cases yet see my Which Case? page.

So then the kind of example given is usually something like:

But this doesn't really work because "Who knows this boy?" is "Kto zna tego chłopca?" even though it contains a verb (to know).

The 'Adam' test

A more reliable system is to take the English version and ask "Can I replace 'Who' with 'Adam' and the sentence will make sense?". If the answer is 'Yes' use "Kto".
